It's very clear that we should combine "green" farms with LGBT Pride month and simply paint all solar panels with LGBT rainbow flags. This would achieve both the proper green virtue signaling and LGBT pride virtue signaling at the same time. The more clever among you reading this might point out that the rainbow flag paint would block the sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic elements in the panels, thus resulting in no actual wattage being produced by the panels. This misses the point. Since when has the green movement or the movement ever cared about logic, reason or useful outcomes? Stop being so negative and grab a paintbrush. PAINT THE SOLAR PANELS and celebrate progressivism in all its low-IQ glory while woke society collapses from a lack of energy infrastructure! As a bonus, anyone scraping the paint off the panels to try to produce electricity can be charged with a felony HATE CRIME!

The EPA is a straight-up terrorist organization that, for decades, allowed heavily polluted toxins to be spread on America's farms, saturated with PFAS chemicals, including PFOA, PFOS and many others. Now many of these farms are not legally allowed to produce food, according to the FDA, because the farm soils are too toxic. EPA whistleblower Dr. David Lewis, author of 'Science For Sale' was intimidated, threatened and ultimately had his EPA lab de-funded and shut down because he was trying to warn America about this well over a decade ago. I made a documentary featuring his testimony called "Biosludged" at Importantly, the EPA knowingly and willingly allowed America's farms to be repeatedly saturated with "forever chemical" pollutants, knowing this would render the farms unusable. This is a form of FAMINE WARFARE that was also used across Europe many centuries ago, even in Rome, when soldiers would "salt the fields" of enemies to prevent food crops from growing there. The EPA 'salted the fields' of American farms with toxic forever chemicals, and the EPA even defended this practice, even while famine warfare, mass pollution and sabotage of food output was being carried out with the full approval of the . Make no mistake: The Environmental Protection Agenda is a terrorist sabotage operation that has been targeting America's farms for decades, and they have successfully rendered millions of acres unusable for food production for the next 100 years

LGBT symbols should be BANNED from being painted on public roadways, especially given that anyone driving across them can be charged with felony crimes for "defacing" the sacred religious symbols of the WOKE STATE. These are territory proclamations by the LGBT cult, nothing more than a form of state-sponsored graffiti that trashes our cities, rooted in a kind of radical left-wing fanaticism and psychopathic aggression toward everyone else in society. Roadways are COMMON areas for transportation, not a propaganda canvas for left-wing cultists and child mutilators.

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