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Found 7 results for democracy
Hundreds of demonstrators, including prominent lawmakers, were arrested at a peaceful sit-in in Hong Kong early Wednesday, following a huge rally calling for democracy in the Chinese territory.
Committed to ecology, social justice grassroots democracy and non-violence, Greens are renewing democracy in the United States through community-based organizing without the support of corporate donors.
Europe was founded on democracy not bullets, says a senior figure in the Republican Left of Catalonia party.
Occurring largely behind the scenes, President Trump's most significant contribution to a more prosperous America is also his least understood: i.e. his assault on the administrative state.
Any device connected to the Internet such as a computer, smart phone or tablet could soon have its Web history logged and retained for up to two years by telecommunications companies for law enforcement purposes.
A cheat sheet for legislators regarding the WHO and health emergencies. It makes no sense to grant a foreign-based, poorly unaccountable institution powers that contradict democratic norms and good public health policy.
Even the Chinese know America won't survive with 'woke' liberals in charge. Beijing has utter contempt for the Biden administration, and won't even hide it.