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Found 10 results for green
What you need to know about Electric Cars and how to get the best deals.
An organization working to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty, to create and implement programs that increase quality jobs and opportunities in green industry.
 331      # green # USA
Planet Green is taking an active role in generating conversation and motivating individuals to take action when it comes to improving the environmental status of our planet. Filled with tips and information to help you make your life a greener.
Offers sustainable business training and consulting services around the world, with specialization in practical tools for increasing environmental performance, organization sustainability management, developing countries, and design of government ...
Committed to ecology, social justice grassroots democracy and non-violence, Greens are renewing democracy in the United States through community-based organizing without the support of corporate donors.
Line of classic children’s toys constructed from recycled plastic and other environmentally friendly materials made in the USA. Green Toys products are tested by nationally recognized, independent, third-party labs (located, yes, in the USA).
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change by Allan Savory.
Take a look at the hydrogen-powered aircraft of the future that could become reality in just 15 years. The planes, which Airbus plans to develop and enter into commercial service by 2035, would be zero-emission.
A project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund providing a forum that advances progressive ideas and policies. Topics include economy, green, health, justice, and security.
Guerrilla gardening is the act of growing plants in your neighborhood’s neglected spaces. Whether that’s scattering native wildflower seeds onto a road verge, planting spring bulbs in a street tree bed, or turning a vacant lot into a community allotment, the aim is to bring nature into urban areas and transform the landscape from barren to bountiful.