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Found 28 results for earth
If you were to take all of the water on Earth - all of the fresh water, sea water, ground water, water vapor and water inside our bodies - take all of it and somehow collect it into a single, giant sphere of liquid, how big do you think it would be?
The IMAGE spacecraft was launched from Vandenberg AFB on 25 March 2000. IMAGE was the first satellite mission dedicated to imaging the Earth's magnetosphere, the region of space controlled by the Earth's magnetic field and ...
From strange alien landscapes to the Gates of Hell, here are 10 natural wonders you might not have heard of.
Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman (Kangi Duta) shares the old Hopi Prophecy about the end of America, the big change that's coming and the ways to truly live on and with Mother Earth. Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman (1936-2007).
See maps of the latest earthquakes in the last 7 days. Maps of USA regional and world regions. Located by USGS and contributing agencies.
Friends of the Earth is fighting to defend the environment and create a more healthy and just world. We're progressive environmental advocates who pull no punches and speak sometimes uncomfortable truths to power. It's an approach that for four ...
Earth Hour 2011 marks the beginning of a new era, with individuals, organisations and governments asked to go beyond the hour by committing to ongoing action for the planet. Earth Hour 2012 will take place on Saturday 31st March at 8:30 PM.
A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. Agriculture, atmosphere, aerosols, sea ice, environmental impacts, water quality, erosion/sedimentation, visible wavelengths, solar activity, tectonics, sun-earth Interactions, and more.
Between 2000 and 2013, a network of sensors that monitors Earth around the clock listening for the infrasound signature of nuclear detonations detected 26 explosions on Earth ranging in energy from 1 to 600 kilotons.
A great performance by Andrea Faustini.