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Found 28 results for environment
In this NASA timelapse, satellite images show the rapid deforestation of the amazonian rainforest.
Friends of the Earth is fighting to defend the environment and create a more healthy and just world. We're progressive environmental advocates who pull no punches and speak sometimes uncomfortable truths to power. It's an approach that for four ...
Industries in north-eastern China have released large quantities of an ozone-depleting gas into the atmosphere in violation of an international treaty, according to scientists..
There are more and more reasons to Say No to Plastics. Most plastic bags are used an average of 12 minutes, yet their real life span, unless recycled, is many hundreds of years. The plastic trash building up in our oceans is a ticking time bomb.
Vietnamese companies have been ruthlessly taking advantage of Laotian locals and their environment to create vast rubber plantations. The "rubber lords" are also getting support for the land grabs from Germany's Deutsche Bank, which is violatin...
The Alberta Oil Sands (Saudi Arabia of the North) as it is proudly refered to in the oil industry has proven to be a financial boom to the Canadian economy. It has also proven to be an environmental nightmare!
Australia is at the epicentre of this world's 6th greatest extinction. Australian forests are being slaughtered. All within them is being destroyed. Forests are being crushed, felled and burnt...
Take the fact that in the next 12 years, we're projected to add another billion people. Since a billion seconds equal 31.7 years, at the rate people are arriving, we can't even count them.
Jakarta, the Indonesian capital, is the world’s fastest sinking city. This is one of the reasons why President Joko Widodo vowed to build a new administrative capital on the once jungle-covered island of Borneo. What a choice!
The results of a major water diversion project on the arid plains of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. No lake left.