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19 results for water
Free reports on subjects such as herbs, nutrition, vitamins, pH, medicine, water, minerals, seaweed extract, and more.
The Honest Food Guide (HFG) is available for downloading free of charge and is designed to benefit you. It offers genuine nutritional information, not watered-down information designed to boost the sale of milk, beef and grains.
The Amazon River of South America is the second longest river in the world and by far the largest by waterflow. It has the largest drainage basin in the world, ~7,050,000 sq. km (2,720,000 sq. mi), accounts for approximately one-fifth of the ...
A catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet. Agriculture, atmosphere, aerosols, sea ice, environmental impacts, water quality, erosion/sedimentation, visible wavelengths, solar activity, tectonics, sun-earth Interactions, and more.
If you were to take all of the water on Earth - all of the fresh water, sea water, ground water, water vapor and water inside our bodies - take all of it and somehow collect it into a single, giant sphere of liquid, how big do you think it would be?
The Mekong is a river in mainland China and Indochina. It is the world's 10th longest river. Its estimated length is 4909 km (3050 mi), and it drains an area of 795,000 km2 (307,000 sq mi), discharging 475 km3 (114 cu mi) of water annually.
The Volga is the largest river in Europe in terms of length, discharge and watershed. It flows through central Russia, and is widely viewed as the national river of Russia. Some of the largest reservoirs in the world can be found along the Volga.
Manatees are endangered largely due to human activity. Since record-keeping began in 1974, more than 41% of manatee deaths where cause of death was identified were human-related – and almost 34% were due to watercraft collisions.
The results of a major water diversion project on the arid plains of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. No lake left.
Ocean Conservancy educates and empowers citizens to take action on behalf of the ocean. Informed by science, our work guides policy and engages people in protecting the ocean and its wildlife for future generations.


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