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Found 16 results for deforestation
In this NASA timelapse, satellite images show the rapid deforestation of the amazonian rainforest.
Although the Penan still fight for their land, large corporations continue to clear forests for logging and oil palm cultivation.
It is getting dangerous in Romania’s vast ancient forests. Six rangers killed and 650 attacked. The Carpathians are now the scene of a desperate battle between what has been dubbed the Timber Mafia and those risking their lives to protect it.
The main threat to the survivial of orangutan populations in the wild is the massive expansion of palm oil plantations in Borneo and Sumatra.
Chinese demand for rosewood—trafficked more than ivory, rhino horn, and pangolin scales—is fueling a crisis in Guatemala's forests. The same thing is happening in several African countries. A task for the West and the U.N., perhaps?
Greenpeace will never stop fighting for a greener, healthier world for our oceans, forests, food, climate, and democracy. No matter what forces stand in our way!
What does the future hold for the next generation of people who live in the Amazon? We meet the indigenous teenagers trying to preserve their way of life and a ranching family who moved to the Amazon in search of opportunities.
We take action against the companies and industries driving deforestation and climate change.
All major tropical forests including those in the Americas, Africa, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia are disappearing, mostly to make way for human food production, including livestock and crops. If you can't breath, you really don't need food! Brasil, you're a disgrace to mankind.
The Yanomami are the largest isolated tribe in South America. They live in the rainforests and mountains of northern Brazil and southern Venezuela. The Yanomami continue to suffer from the devastating and lasting impacts of the road which brought in colonists, diseases and alcohol. Today cattle ranchers and colonists use the road as an access point to invade and deforest the Yanomami area.