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Found 17 results for wildlife
Aggressive overfishing threatens to push some shark species to extinction, and a new study puts annual shark deaths at 100 million.
Ocean Conservancy educates and empowers citizens to take action on behalf of the ocean. Informed by science, our work guides policy and engages people in protecting the ocean and its wildlife for future generations.
The WCS saves wildlife and wild lands through careful science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world’s largest system of urban wildlife parks. These activities change attitudes toward nature and help people im...
An accredited member of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association, the Memphis Zoo works cooperatively with animal facilities and organizations around the world in order to further its mission to preserve wildlife through conservation, education ...
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The practice of feeding predatory carnivores in zoos and wildlife parks live "prey", has been discontinued in most countries for many years. In China, however, it is still widely practiced today.
The main threat to the survivial of orangutan populations in the wild is the massive expansion of palm oil plantations in Borneo and Sumatra.
An unprecedented global crime wave threatens the most important natural places on Earth and we are failing in our efforts to stop it. We're going to lose this fight if we don't up our game with solutions as sophisticated as the criminals we face.
A Grizzly Bear Rescue and Education Sanctuary in Bozeman, Montana. Founded in 2004, it provides a spacious and natural home for rescued grizzlies. It provides a place where the public can come and learn about grizzly bears.
The global rewilding movement focuses on restoring areas of wilderness to their former glory. Can this revolutionary movement help our urban spaces recover and shape a better future for everyone?
The International Fund for Animal Welfare works to improve animal welfare, prevent animal cruelty and abuse, protect wildlife and provide animal rescue around the world. From stopping the elephant ivory trade, to ending the Canadian seal hunt.