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Found 15 results for industry
From what I can tell, what Big Data does best is spy on individuals. The popular commentary by the industry is that somehow huge databases that contain information about you will be used for your benefit. Targeted Big data advertising is the ...,2817,2455435,00.asp
Using hidden cameras, this investigation into the fate of unwanted dairy calves (bobby calves) in Australia reveals what the dairy industry doesn't want you to see.
Despite the huge health risks they create, these practices are deeply embedded in rural Chinese life. The wild animals that mix with more common livestock — poultry, swine, and seafood — form a deadly combination.
The Alberta Oil Sands (Saudi Arabia of the North) as it is proudly refered to in the oil industry has proven to be a financial boom to the Canadian economy. It has also proven to be an environmental nightmare!
Comparative information on over 900 U.S. industries on a national, regional and local level. Locality is the key, and that is what makes our county-level and state-level industry reports unique and valuable.
The site of reference for the fashion modeling industry with free online portfolio, model industry news, comprehensive industry database of model, photographers, campaigns, editorials and magazine covers, and online scouting of new faces.
Industrial production increased 0.4 percent in November after a decline of 0.2 percent in October. The rate of change for industrial production was revised down in October but up in September; the net effect of the revisions from June to October ...
An infographic with facts on the sugar industry.
The United States' tax-filing software industry actively prevents search engines from discovering their free-filing versions, it has been discovered, adding further criticism to an industry that drives Americans toward unnecessary paid-for products.
The FAA collaborates with industry and communities to advance drone operations and integrate them into the national airspace. Whether you are flying for fun or work, get the rules, resources, and tools, to help you fly safely.