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Found 13 results for API
An investigation into the future of capitalism scrutinising its legitimacy, its weaknesses and suggesting ways in which it could be reformed.
The jQuery library has a full suite of AJAX capabilities. The functions and methods therein allow us to load data from the server without a browser page refresh.
The number of breathing illnesses reported among people who vape is growing. Health officials are now looking into more than 150 possible cases in 16 states.
Will our species go extinct? The short answer is yes. The fossil record shows everything goes extinct, eventually. Almost all species that ever lived, over 99.9%, are extinct.
It’s not capitalism. It’s not socialism. The new word we are hearing these days is the right word: corporatism.
Provides a programmer's reference to the Drupal API.
Ooh that means I can buy a sparkly, new but otherwise hard-to-justify replacement. I may consider offering someone cash to break it for me. Something is wrong with my eyes. Hang on, no, it is my display that has gone smeary. This is great news!
Open source framework for building truly native mobile apps. Handy NativeScript CLI and other tools and plugins. 100% Native API access. Write and deploy native mobile apps for iOS and Android from a single codebase.
Investors flooded startups with a record $63.3 billion in 2015. But a volatile stock market and fears of a tech bubble have led VC firms to make more cautious bets this year.
This describes the resources that make up the official GitHub API v3.
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