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Found 43 results for people
Ocean Conservancy educates and empowers citizens to take action on behalf of the ocean. Informed by science, our work guides policy and engages people in protecting the ocean and its wildlife for future generations.
An organization working to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty, to create and implement programs that increase quality jobs and opportunities in green industry.
 331      # green # USA
The WCS saves wildlife and wild lands through careful science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world’s largest system of urban wildlife parks. These activities change attitudes toward nature and help people im...
Many people assume that if they're not being physically abused by their partner, then they're not being abused. That is not necessarily true. You may be in a relationship which is draining something from you - you might not have recognized that ...
FreeRice is a non-profit website run by the United Nations World Food Programme. The site aims to help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
An independent online resource that focuses on the leadership, management and people issues that are at the heart of the changing workplace. The site provides an objective platform for topical debate and informed opinion by thought leaders on...
The Unicode Consortium enables people to use computers in any language. Our members develop the Unicode Standard, Unicode Locales (CLDR), and other standards. These specifications form the foundation for software internationalization in all major ...
Endorses and promotes indigenous peoples' right to self-determination, their cultural integrity and their right to development on their own conditions. IWGIA works within a wide range of areas.
A grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people (4,901 groups with 8,054,660 members around the world) who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It is all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills.
A museum, archive, library and platform that wants to get people of all ages involved in architecture. The institute offers facilities for research and a platform for discussion. It presents exhibitions, lectures, debates and issues publications ...